Health Education

Education is key to health maintenance. MACCS Health is an avid supporter of health education for students and staff alike. It is our goal to promote healthy lifestyles and improve quality of life by providing educational workshops on a variety of health related topics. Our health educators will provide both student-centered, classroom-based or auditorium style presentations, as well as, health related professional development workshops for staff. Covered topics include but are not limited to the following:

Click here to register for any of our available trainings or workshops

  • Puberty & Hygiene
  • Nutrition & Body Image
  • Fitness & Health
  • Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV & AIDS
  • Violence & Injury Prevention
  • CPR/AED & First Aid Training and Certification
  • Universal Precautions
  • Managing
         I.The Diabetic Student
         II. The Asthmatic Student
         III. Epilepsy/Seizures in the School Setting


Live Fit

Live Fit is an interactive fitness program designed to promote positive dietary changes and increased physical fitness in an effort to reduce the onset of childhood/adolescent obesity.   “Live Fit” is an eight (8-10) week student based program that primarily targets middle school students. Other grades will be considered based on the number of request.  Live Fit offers an afterschool component for parents, students, staff and other members of the school community.

The weekly afterschool component offers aerobics, healthy cooking techniques, line dancing, and other fun & fit activities free of charge to the participants. The idea is to encourage a healthier lifestyle and give parents information to make life-changing choices for themselves and their families. “The Live Fit” program concludes with an annual health fair and fitness competition. The schools of competition winners earn cash contributions towards the facilities health and fitness program.

We invite administrators and physical education instructors to support us in our efforts to decrease the potential for obesity while increasing parental involvement in school. Contact us for more information.







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